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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Darkness is falling over the land
The sun sets just a little earlier every day, and the evening air
is beginning to draw cool across the skin, raising little hairs on the back of your neck, armies of goose bumps, standing at the ready.
The night of wandering
the anticipation of the rampaging hordes.
fiending, foragers, clamoring through the streets banging on unwary doors behind which, the inhabitants stand poised to
reward the assemblage
of grotesque, humorous and clever wardrobe configurations. They eagerly anticipate the morsels of confectionery bliss, that you guard so passionately, from the sanctity of your fortification. Tensed behind the door, waiting for the booming of the massive door knocker or the discordant jangle of the merciless door bell. Don't send your sombies out without a stylish repository for their loot. The Halloween tote sack is durable and convenient. and will keep everything where it's supposed to be until that moment of total excitement when the divvying time arrives. Click here to procure your Halloween tote before the big night arrives The Meaning
"Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another."
- This is one of the most fundamental properties of the natural world. What it means is that even though your body may cease to function and disassemble into its constituent elements when you die, the energy that was infused into your physical being remains constant and immutable. Using this as my premise I contend that when you die and your vital functions settle into eternal stasis, your energy. . . in the form of whatever concept you feel best describes your belief system, be it a soul, spirit, or some other form of higher consciousness, remains consistent and contiguous.
It is irrefutable truth
- that everyone. . . the pious and the secularist alike are destined for the same fate. The only question that remains unanswered is what happens next. The faithful of the aggregated beliefs believe in an afterlife replete with the GOD of their faith, the profits that brought them the words of truth, assorted rewards: Virgins, happiness. . . unimaginable pleasure and contentment for all eternity. The Agnostic hopes for the veracity of the promises of the holy texts but wonders if it is worth the time and effort to lead the disciples life, resisting temptation and self gratification, all the while trying to reconcile the mind with the inconsistencies and ambiguities of simple faith. The Atheist accepts none of it, preferring to be resigned to the notion that this life is it. Lead it the best you can, endeavor to accomplish the journey with as admirable a legacy as can be compiled. Given the option, however, they will Damn the evil among us to the worst torment imaginable in the fires of hell, and thank GOD for good fortune, expecting nothing more after their days are done than a tomb, grave or incineration.
All denominations share many of the same core beliefs.
- A belief in a supreme creator, continuance of the spirit or energy, or soul after death, a higher existence than the one left behind, and generally that if you lead a generous, righteous life, don't commit murder, treat others with kindness and respect and attempt to cause the least amount of grief as is possible in a given life or lifestyle you will receive your reward when you die. To go without leaving a stain let alone achieving any level of greatness is a bonus, only achieved by a relatively statistical minority of the lives that are endured. The vast majority simply happy to pass into relative obscurity knowing they made it to the end with pride and grace.
The more ancient the culture and it's respective beliefs
- there seems to be a divergence of theological perspective. Suicide is an accepted route to the promised land and punishment for crimes in violation of the faith are brutal and non negotiable. Religion, family and the state are not disparate concepts but elements of the whole. They have lived this lifestyle for eons. Yet, even in this constrictive existence they made many contributions to the furtherance of the species. Higher math, linguistics, and conceptual thinking. The Jew, the Arab and the Chinese conceived of religion at very early stages in the timeline of the human race, and wove it into a fabric that formed the bonds of society. This helped structure their culture and defined the role each individual would serve in the observance of the tenets of faith. It defined morals, behaviors and expectations. Respect for the hierarchy was paramount, from father at the top of the family down to the lowly animals. Defiance was tantamount to treason and not tolerated. This is the nexus for the conflict that exists today between the ancient intellect and the modern model. There is a prevalent belief that the extremists of the ancient cultures wage mayhem on the west because they are somehow jealous, envious, or plainly hateful of the lifestyle enjoyed by the more advanced nations. The reality is they are terrified of it. Granted, they are prolific at accepting technology and luxury but they perceive a dire threat to the infrastructure of their social framework. Their strictures may seem obtuse to us but they have served to maintain discipline through the ages. They see what they perceive to be the crumbling of society in the west and the interference in the processes by which they have operated for so long. They bristle at the hubris of those that would deride their cultural architecture only to market the virtues of the west that clearly promote a message of blasphemy and serve to promote a deterioration of their culture in favor of a more westernized version, that is more palatable to the west. The west tends to export the worst of it's products, think of the fast food franchises, the pornography, and the concept of independent thought. They have spent centuries instilling obedience and don't want the societal corruption that any conservative westerner will tell you that they see taking place in the advanced cultures. They are willing and eager to die for their beliefs, and refuse to compromise their values. west.
But I digress. . .
- When you ponder death, does it scare you, fill you with fear and angst. It shouldn't if you truly believe in redemption and the spiritual cleansing of passing over to the great beyond. Pain and suffering that might accompany the event aside, a truly faithful believer, in my mind, should look forward to the event and decline all efforts to delay answering the call to join with the deity in the great halls of splendor. Yet, as evidenced by a certain politician, modern medicine has the capability to essentially render man immortal, if this politician should experience sudden cardiac arrest he will automatically be defibrillated back to life. . . essentially, he can't die. . . Maybe he has reason for wanting it this way but that goes to my original premise at the beginning of this paragraph. I can understand the desire to pursue aggressive measures to prolong life, even if it is for only a few months. This gives a person the opportunity to put their affairs in order, but to endure years of debilitating procedures and remedies to delay the inevitable would force a person to examine the trade offs in quality of life versus the prospect of eternal bliss surrounded by your friends and family at the foot of your chosen GOD figure. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing, when it comes to relieving suffering and saving lives. But to use it to artificially prolong the duration of life is a misuse of resources. Living to 100 naturally is different than being kept alive to a hundred. Medicine has artificially manipulated the evolutionary process, more people are living into extreme old age than would otherwise without the preponderance of medical remedies to death. There again comes the question of quality of life. If you spend your golden years being kept alive by medications or machines you become a slave to life.
Thus, we arrive at my conclusions and postulations.
- I believe in the existence of a supreme, intelligent force in the universe. There exists a perfect design in every aspect of the plane of existence. Everything from the largest entities in the universe to the subatomic bonds that hold it all together operates according to a complex set of forces. The principle guidelines that define the parameters of the design are encoded in a virtual program defined by what man has conceptualized as mathematics, which is the basis for pretty much all of science. Specifically physics, which most eloquently describes the context for the plane of existence. A physical set of interactions govern the process that defines life. Chemistry, as Walter White stated it, is the process of transformation. Whether you believe that life is the result of generations of trial and error or appeared spontaneously doesn't really address the conundrum of just exactly how it germinated. There is a valid point in the inconsistencies that are present in the fossil record and the leap of faith necessary to bridge the gap with hypothesis and conjecture. . . sometimes you have to go with the best guess. . . could intergalactic seeding be a plausible rational for the sudden appearance of special features. . . in the early years the planet was bombarded by massive amounts of material from every point in the universe. Now, given that the probability that life exists in myriad different forms throughout the plane of existence, is it possible that some species could have an extraterrestrial origin. . . not impossible by any measure, but the origin of man is undeniably terrestrial. A product of chemical reactions and interactions that combined together either from space flotsam DNA or recombinant fusion of essential molecules that assembled a microcode of just four proteins into a complex arrangement of tools that make not just life possible, but the plethora of species that are present today and the 90 percent that have disappeared over the past 3 billion years. Did all this come about from the ethereal hand of GOD, manufacturing and delivering the components to the system, I don't prescribe to that narrative, but I can't disprove it so it's moot.
I don't know what happens to you when you die.
- Appearances would dictate that your systems cease to function and you cease to live, you are buried and you decompose and return to the basic elements that comprise your body. But the fundamental question remains, what becomes of the life that was there before. That life was energy that powered the body and, as stated in the opening sentences of the this dissertation I offered up the basic assertions of physics, that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. Hence, I have a desire that when I cease to live my energy with all the knowledge I have accumulated over the years of my existence, which encompasses my awareness and intellect begins a journey. Traveling many times faster than the speed of light, call it the speed of life. At this point all questions are answered. The meaning and purpose of life, my impact on the plane of existence, and why was I here. At this point my energy begins a journey from my spent container to the beginning of time. As I transit I can observe in all directions simultaneously. I see the earth receding behind me, traveling at this extreme velocity time continues in reverse and I can see the entire history of the planet revealing the truth of it's origins and the nature and genesis of it's creation and of all the things on it. as I travel the earth transforms and rearranges itself before me. I see all the animals that ever existed from the first dinosaurs to the first living cell. as I travel I pass the planets observing their characteristics. I travel out past the solar system towards the galactic center, I'm travelling fast but time is relative and I have the opportunity to observe all that is before me at my leisure. as I travel I observe every star, planet and object in the galaxy. how it formed and how it came to be here at this point in time. I travel out of the galaxy into interstellar space, I see it all and I understand. I pass all the galaxies in the universe and see their characteristics, their black holes and all the other mysteries are revealed. I travel through the universe toward the event that created it all. that moment when all things came into existence and watch as it compresses into the singularity from which all things emanated, before time and space existed in this cosmic plane. my journey at this point is just beginning as my energy joins with all the energy that came before me and we explore that which exists beyond our comprehension. a collective consciousness, the collected knowledge and experience of existence.
What do you hope happens when you cease to live?
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
California Is Poised To Legalize Marijuana In 2016
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
CafePress - Retire The Owl
don't forget that September 19 is talk like a pirate day...go see the selection of swag with this cool design
Monday, August 26, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Jimbozone Gifts & Merchandise | Jimbozone Gift Ideas | Unique - CafePress
Friday, June 7, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
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