Sunday, October 20, 2013

Darkness is falling over the land

The sun sets just a little earlier every day, and the evening air 
is beginning to draw cool across the skin, raising little hairs on the back of your neck, armies of goose bumps, standing at the ready.
The night owandering
souls is fast approaching, promising to  raise 
the anticipation of the rampaging hordes. 
fiending, foragers, clamorinthrough the streets  banging on unwary doors behind whichthe inhabitants stand poised to
reward the assemblage
of grotesque, humorous and clever wardrobe 
configurations. They eagerly anticipate the 
morsels of confectionery bliss, that you guard so passionately, from the sanctity of your fortification. Tensed behind the door, waiting for the booming of the massive door knocker or the discordant jangle of the merciless door bell. Don't send your sombies out without a stylish repository for their loot. The Halloween tote sack is durable and convenient. and will keep everything where it's supposed to be until that moment of total excitement when the divvying time arrives.  Click here to procure your Halloween tote before the big night arrives 

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